The Practical CMO

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Your First Step to Becoming ”More Digital”
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
The adoption of “digital” in your business may be an initiative you have considered but consistently tabled. With markets rebounding from COVID and with quickly forming preferences which will transform the way business is done online, you may be behind the curve. “Digital” offers increased abilities to manage your employees and your customer acquisition and relationships as online business becomes more of a preference and less of an option.
But “digital” is hard to define, hard to prioritize, and often hard to execute well, following the “Business First, Digital Second” approach.
This expert session will help you structure an effective digital roadmap for your business, starting with digital marketing best practices.…ing-more-digital/

Friday Jan 17, 2020
High Powered Scope of ABM vs. Splatter Shot of Web Leads
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Sometimes the best way to get to know a host is to hear him as the guest. This special episode originally aired on SLMA Radio. Hosted by Tom Judge, President at Direct Marketing Partners, Tom and Mark dive into ABM.
If we're going to implement account-based marketing, can it actually yield a healthy sales pipeline?
Do you need to get a bunch of software and a bunch of staff? No. Use direct marketing methodologies and start a long-term relationship. Hear about the most targeted methodologies.
What can you do to achieve the sales pipeline you want? Mark gives some quick ways to start integrating sales and marketing immediately. Get feedback about the quality of the leads. Ask questions. Tune in to hear the conversation and useful answers.…hot-of-web-leads/